What you can find here



This site

A lot of information about Nidden prior to 1945 and the Courland Lagoon are presented on this site. I've tried to outline a picture with contemporary photographs and paintings. On the English version of the website I had to do without contemporary textes and poems because they are difficult to translate.

To start with you may take a look at the menu item "Life in Nidden". picture galleries could be found there and under the menu item "Land & Folks": old photographs of the landscape, life in the village, winter, barges and pennants and old postcards.

Nidden, the artists' colony, attracted well known painters like Lovis Corinth, Max Pechstein or Karl Schmidt-Rottluff. Some of their paintings of Nidden are shown under menu point "Artists & Guests".

genealogical research

The actual reason to create this website has been a journey to the history of my own family, which ends with collecting all sorts of data about Nidden. If you are interested in family history research or the Courland Spit, dont't hesitate to get in contact with me under utemlau@gmx.de.

Nida today

When you are planning on visiting the Courland Spit and Nidden, you may like to get an impression of the village today. Under the item "Nida today" you can find picture galleries of Nida, which I made on my last trip in 2002.


Nidden und die Courland Spit are always worth the journey!